Friday, June 13, 2008


This picture best represents Caitlin's personality. She loves being outdoors, hiking, fishing, camping, taking pictures, taking in God's wonderful creation. She also loves finding a tree (of in this cast a HUGE rock) to sit on with a good book.

This was taken in Cannon Beach this spring. Caitlin loves bright colors, especially Orange.

This was taken during her 13th birthday party. Laurn presented her with a purity locket and had the whole house in tears with his promise to protect her and find her a suitable young man to marry some day. She promised to only give her heart to her father until that day.

Often when Laurn gets home for working or at the end of a had days work on the house he charges in and announces "it's time to go hunting kids" They all rush to their safe, get their BB guns and run out after him. Caitlin is an incredible shot.