I love summer life.-to work hard and play hard is so fulfilling!
We had to work hard this last week copping and stacking firewood. (It was only one day of firewood that week.) Papa told us he would give us each 10 cents for every piece of firewood we chopped and stacked. Wow, that's some determination for you! He is such a good Father. :)
I tried my absolute hardest to chop wood well, but honestly...I'm horrible at it!! You can tell between something that I've chopped, and something that Caitlin has. Caitlin's would be strait and clean, and mine would have all of these hacks and cracks in it like I was trying turn the whole thing into kindling and failed. *smile* That's okay though. I had a whole lot of fun, and am slowly learning to be better.
We butchered our cows today!! I'm actually kind of sad. They were beautiful cows....
Country kids catchin' 'em tadpols in the pond. :) I love it.
Just begining...
What a handsome man!!
Okay. I'm sorry...This photo just cracks me up.
Wood! -Yay-
By the end of the day Caitlin earned $20, I earned $15, Marcus earned $17 (he had chopped some previously), and Felicity earned $8.50. After the days work, Papa took us all out shopping to Goodwill to spend our money. It was a more-than-wonderful day!!
My little siblings are constantly surprising me with all sorts of little gifts. After work on Thursday, Marcus picked me some flowers. He is so sweet!!
(--just thought I'd share. :))
Thanks be to God for another day!!!