Tan, hu? This weather has been SO wonderful! I just wish it would continue to be this sunny for another 4 months!!!!!
...I convinced him that he was an Indian warrior. He liked it at first...but then he realized what I was actually doing, which was just having fun making him look silly. :) Can you relate? 
They also had loads of fun with the water...literally. *wink*
This was the temperature at around 11:00pm,-ish. But then it boosted up to the 80's! Praise the LORD!!! 
With all of this 'hot' weather, one must have a little celebration. :) I tried to imitate the Starbucks 'frappichino' and I actually succeeded. I have had around 2 today......to get it just right. :) 
Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of what it looks like afterwards, but it looks the SAME as the Starbucks ones. :) These are not hard at all to make...AND you can have a whole lot of fun experimenting with different flavors, which is what Jess's love to do best!
Thanks to the LORD for the sunshine!
That's cool, I make a frap a lot like that! You should try freezing coffee into cubes, and using those instead of ice. That way you're not diluting the drink with too much water, and it is gooood. :)
Wow-that is a great idea! I have some in the freezer already. :) Thanks for the tip!
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