Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A tinsy, itsy, wee, little bit more photos

 My Grandma and I. -so cute.
 Mama and I. -lovely.
 Palm trees...gotta love 'em.

 There are a billion and a quarter point two, shells out there. *chuckle* Just kidding...there are probably more then that.
 This photo is Awesome!!! They are live wild dolphins surfing the waves! -wow- I was so so so very much surprised at this. I have never ever in my life, seen wild dolphins jumping in the waves. -but now I have!
 Morning sky-

 Love this photo.
 Papa took this photo of me talking to Caitlin. *smile*

 Wild crab...I know you did not know it was wild, because you never ever see crabs. Ever. Never. At all. What-so-ever. *chuckle* Okay, maybe crabs are normal, but you don't normally see Coronado Island crabs.  So there.
 You can't go to Coronado Island without visiting the Coronado Hotel. Many of our Presidents have gone there on vacation...and I can see why! (photos of that will come...)
 Aunt Cindy's drink. She's got good style.

 Here is Grandma on the ferry to go to Coronado Island.

 Me. In the sand.
 I told you there were millions of shells! They are not all over the beach, and in fact, this thick of shells are only in a strip, but still! That is a lot!

And there I am, soaking in the sun, drinking Pina Colada. *sigh* -This is the life!
More to come...trust me. This is only the second day, and I have well over 1,000 photos. -ya.

1 comment:

HeidiGrace said...

Fun photos Jess! Looks like you are having an amazing time! :)