As you can see, building a bridge is quite a big accomplishment.

This is what the bridge looked like before. I still think it looks cool, but the new one is far cooler!!
That's Caitlin-
-So is that.
In progress...
Finished! So, how does it look? I think it looks absolutely amazing!
The bridge was a lot of work, and definitely worth it. Papa did an amazing job.
That looks really great! And, yay, it won't be so freaky to drive over anymore! :)
Bridge looks great! It's always good to get your hands dirty and accomplish something significant...
That picture of Marcus is, well, so Koch. :) Can't wait to see the new bridge in person on Monday! ~Mrs. S
The pictures look great, but I bet the bridge is even more impressive in person. Don't you love finishing big projects like that?
I'm pleased that you all like it!
Rebekah- Yeah, I know, I'd have to admit that it would be pretty freaky to drive over. I'm thankful that I'll never have to experience that!
Michael- Thanks. Yes, it is good to get your hands dirty...especially since you know that you can just wash it off afterward. :)Caitlin and Marcus had a mud fight. (Marcus's face explains that!)
Mrs.Seifert- Yes! I can't wait until you can see it too!! And I agree with you %100 about Marcus's photo being SO Koch. :)
Andra- Yes, finishing a big project like that is SO nice!!!
Thanks for all of your comments! I was very pleased to receive them!
See you all on Sunday and Monday!!
Looks fantastic! A job well done as usual :) Love the picture of Marcus. Looks like he's wearing camo war paint on his face. :)
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