Thursday, March 8, 2012

My favorite things

One of my ultimate "favorite things" is spending time with those I love. Time, is such a precious and valuable thing, that is limited. There are so many places in the world to go to, things to see, life to live, and memories to make, but what does that all mean to you, if you don't spend it with family, Church friends, relatives, and Grandparents? I am extremely thankful to God for the people he placed around me. My family most of all, but also my brothers and sisters in Christ. They are such an enormous blessing.
When I spend time with those I love, I feel like that's where I belong.--this is my home. I feel safe, joyful, and loved. --I feel peace, and happiness. I also feel contented. If where I want to be is here, with my loved ones, then I won't be longing for something else. My place is here. This is where I belong, and this is my life--with these people.

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
   let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
   that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
 12 Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous;
   you surround them with your favor as with a shield."
Psalm 5: 11-12


Maria said...

Cute post!! Your right, family and friends are such a blessing!

Hannah said...

Love all the pictures!!!

Just one question.... Where did you get those ones of me? agg. and... What do I have in my hair? lol. :)


JessicaCynthia said...

Thanks Maria for you comment!

Hannah- lol. I took those photos myself! du. And that one of you with that flowery branch in your hair, was taken at Rebbecca's graduation. I didn't think it looked that bad...

Hannah said...

lol, nice. :)
It doesn't look bad, I just thought it was typical. lol, A picture of me with something weird in my hair... Who would have thunk? ;)
