Monday, September 23, 2013

Elk Lake 2013

My family's annual Elk Lake camping trip flew by, faster than it came. It was all a blissful flash of happiness. Pure, unmistakable happiness. I love everything about Elk Lake. (you will soon see why) If I could live anywhere else in the world, it would be Bend. It is the best place to stay active, with all of the hiking you could do, horseback riding, biking, kayaking, and all the best nature has to offer. I love the weather, the land.....I think you're getting the idea. :) --everything. It's one of my little pieces of heaven, that I feel so--i don't know...alive?-no; at home? Just perfectly, incandescently happy.

Enjoy photos of a time well spent:

(above) This is Devil's Lake. It's about 5 min. away from Elk Lake, and is as cold as it is crystal. You can see strait down to the floor of the lake and watch all of the schools of trout swim by.
(sorry, I shouldn't have said 'watched.' It's more like; fished the livin' daylights.)

I'm serious, my siblings could have been Indians for sure.  The way they can hunt and fish is mind boggling. (-actually, more like "expected"...but, anyhow.)

Look at that face. So intent.

 One day, we went on a hike...

My brother is. so. handsome!!!

Nickolas was wiped after our little 2-3 mile walk.
Our kitchen.

It's --by far-- the BEST hike I've been on. So, so, so beautiful!! It's only a 9 mile hike, round trip. Super easy hike, but sooo glorious.

There were waterfalls...everywhere!

Down at the Lodge, they had a free Bluegrass band playing. It was a blast. :)

(above) DEER!

Welcome--to Green Lakes.

Obviously we had to go off trail, and explore- so we ended up climbing a loose rock hill to get to the snow and waterfall. It. was. dangerous. But my Papa kept us all safe. :)

We made it!
(just an f.y.i-- The camera was on a rock, and self timer. There were no other people up there. ;) It is important you know...)
Pure, unmistakable beauty.
We touched the snow...

...and drank from the fire falls.   (..err, uh, I mean waterfall. :))
...Country boy can survive.

We had to cross a boggy, swamp to get to the mountain.

Another adventure done, and cataloged.


Melody said...

Oh my goodness! Elk Lake IS absolutely beautiful! And you girls look great in that hair-do! :D
Such a great post! :)


Elanee said...
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Elanee said...

What a beautiful lake. Looks like you all had a wonderful time exploring God's creation together. Thanks for sharing the pictures.