Monday, November 4, 2013

Simple ramblings.

Autumn is here. The morning fog rolls gently across the lonesome meadow, coating every clover, or spade of grass with a dewy glaze. Birds dodge dead leaves, floating down from red and brown trees, as they scurry to strengthen their nests for the winter. The busy squirrel hops along the woodland floor, searching for nuts left by the farmer. Autumn is here. In all it's glowing, spicy glory. Windows glow with warmth and love, as smoke from the brick chimney snakes up to the grey heavens, thanking  the Lord for times of plenty, and simple Autumn pleasures.
I love fall. The crisp air, the romantic rain, and the dreamy fires. --it warms my heart and soul.

Random, old, un-posted pictures-
Just because....:)

 I took this photo a while ago...but it looks perfect for the season. :) -just doing my best to spread the seasons joys. ;)

Have any of you had one of those days where you spend quite some time looking through old photos just for the fun of it? -Then you stumble across some photos that you thought looked funny/cool/sweet/creative and you just wanted to share? Yep. That's me right now. Though this post makes no's a post that I enjoyed posting. (And I do  love those kinds. :))

1 comment:

HeidiGrace said...

Yes-ME,ME!! Love doing that! Looking at old pictures always makes me thankful-love that. :)