Tuesday, January 15, 2013


What genuinely makes you happy? Is it red roses and chocolates? Newly painted nails, and Starbucks? Or money for a shopping spree? These things do make me happy -more than happy- but just recently I have been thinking about what else makes me happy that I usually do/get on a daily basis. Those little things in life you do that make you burst with joy and happiness. You just have to stop and realize it.
When I started thinking about it...I soon found that there were so many things I loved!
It's the...
*cold side of the pillow
*a child's unlimited imagination
*fresh air
*the smell of freshly cut grass
*getting a magazine in the mail
*watching a baby laugh
*letting your hair down after it's been up all day
*tears from laughing so hard
*writing on the first page of a notebook
*watching kids do something you taught them
*sleeping with the windows open in the summer
*when I laugh all of the sudden because I remembered something funny
*watching a baby yawn
*running barefoot in the grass
*the first lick of an ice cream cone
*closing my eyes and imagining I'm actually flying when I'm on the swing
*looking at a floor that you've just mopped and seeing the difference
*when a baby holds your finger
*taking your socks off after a long day's work
*picking flowers in the fields
...and falling asleep to the sound of rain.

As I said, I could go on forever like this. Normal, little tinsy things that make me glow with happiness, and thank God for life in it's self.


HeidiGrace said...

What a good reminder to take joy in the little things in life. Thanks Jessica! Btw- I also love falling asleep to the sound of the rain! :)

Eden said...
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