Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The glory of the Wood.

There is something about the woods. Don't ask me to explain it, it's one of those things that you just know, without words. It is healthy for you to, every now and then, go out and take a walk in the woods. Remember your roots.

Nickolas: he's a crack up.
Through the brush and brambles let us go.

Water is so fierce, so wild. So majestic.

Picking up massive chunks of ice, and seeing how far they will tumble down the hill. We can make games out of anything..
Alainna- enthralled with the beauty of the ice.

I like how you can see below the waters surface. This place reminds me of, a Mermaids lagoon, or something.
I like the reflection of the bridge in the water, how it makes a circle with the bridge. Kind of magical, don't you think? Almost like a portal to another world.

A lover of the woods, and I. 

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