Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Scuntch salad"

Levi, Alainna, and Jacob constantly play around in the pond area. They are like the last of the "White tribes," running up and down fallen trees, fishing for frog eggs, blending in with the mud, and eating "scuntch Salad."
~One day Levi came up to the house crying, "My mouth stings!!! My mouth is really spicy!!!" We asked him why is mouth was on fire, and he had a hilarious response, "Alainna made me eat her Scuntch Salad and it burned my mouth!" (translation: Alainna made me eat her Skunk cabbage salad, and it burned my mouth.) Yep! He ate skunk cabbage! What a boy!  (Picture of Skunk cabbage above)

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