Friday, April 29, 2011

Nickolas. My little brother. My mess maker. My cutie.

 Nickolas has this nasty little habit of removing all of the dishes from the bottom cupboards and throwing their content in the middle of the kitchen. (Just to make it easier for his sister to cook dinner of course!)
 "....I think she's getting mad at me....."
 "....oh well."
 "No, wait. I think she means it this time. Maybe I really AM in trouble...."
 After I clean it up- "Here we go again! Next time she finds out, I'll just give her 'the look' and all will be well."
 "Doesn't seem to work this time..."
 "Nope, I was right in the first place! She's cracking up now! Victory!"
 "I'll just do a couple cute faces to make amends."

 "Hey! What's that!?"
"*chuckle* That's weird."
"Now, If you're done taking pictures, I'll just get back to work."

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