Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Farm l.i.f.e.

 What's new around the Koch farm? Well, first off, and one of my favorites, we got three little piggies! -yay! They are the cutest little things you ever did see. Stinky, but cute. <3
We also had a Rabbit who gave birth to five little bunnies. She ate two of them because she didn't want to take care of that many. (I know! Can you even imagine such a horrendous thing as that? *gasp*)  But, the ones who were left alive, are as cute as anything else. Soft, too.

My siblings, Papa, and I did electric fencing today. You should have seen my hands! They were/are stained completely black, and are covered in callous. -the signs of a working gal. :) I love the farm life though. You have such a feeling of "belonging" when you are working on the farm. Can any of you relate?

My Papa is doing better now. The Lord be praised! Of course it is still painful, and he is not completely better, but he's getting there. Thank you all for your prayers.

Well, that's been life for us as of late. It is a blessed life.

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