Monday, December 19, 2011

Downtown date

Papa takes us girls out on little "dates," as we call them, every now and then. It is a good time to get out, and talk, father to daughter. In my opinion, this is, (amidst many other things) one of the things that really ties my heart to my Papa.

This time, he took me downtown, right next to the pearl district. We went to "the Deschutes brewery." It was a really nice restaurant.

Me. :)       
 Papa got really good fish 'n chips.
 And I, not being a great fan of sea food, got this utterly amazing smoked chicken fettuccine.  It was the best pasta I have ever had. Lots of chicken, sauce, and most importantly, my favorite cheese- Feta.

 The restaurant had lots of really cool wood carvings, and those plants that you make beer with. (I forgot the was something like 'pops' I think...)
 I should have had my flash on for this shot, so that the lights wouldn't be doing that, but I didn't want to draw any attention. :)
You can see the kitchen on the far side of the building, where they are actually cooking, and preparing your food. I love restaurants like that!
 After that scrumptious dinner, we went on a little walk around the Pioneer square. Papa got us Starbucks, and then we saw this ginormous Christmas tree, and looked around in Nordstroms.
 He also took me up to see the "nines" restaurant, and the "farmers..."  The Farmers restaurant, (I can't remember the last name of that place..) was super neat. You would go in, and there would be all of these 'living rooms' with different styles and couches, that you would choose to eat in. It was quite nice.

The "Nines", on the other hand, was quite different. Since I was not 21, I couldn't go inside the restaurant to see all of the balcony's, and other weird stuff, I just saw the entrance, and part of the inside. I'm telling you, it was the weirdest, most modern place I have ever seen! The walls were all different angles, there were weird lights, and evil sounding music. I didn't even want to see the rest of it. The whole thing looked evil, and scary to me. Definitely not my style. Give me something simple, and fancy, and I'll be completely happy. :)
Lastly, my Papa and I.
I had more than a wonderful time tonight. I love how I can talk freely with my Father about anything, how he treats me like a lady, and how much he loves me. The Lord has blessed me beyond anything I could have ever dreamed of, with my Papa.
Thanks be to God!

1 comment:

Lisa said...


Mr. S and I have dined at the same restaurant! Soooo good. :)

You are a very blessed young lady!

Mrs. S :)