Saturday, March 10, 2012

New project-

 Wasn't the sun this last week absolutely invigorating? I loved every little thing about it. Since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to tromp around in the woods looking for something to use for decoration. (I will never be too old to tromp around and explore the woods!) After many scrapes, dirt smudges, and twigs in my hair, I 'found' a simple little stick. -I know. Pathetic. Only a stick. So I brought it home, and decided to paint the little 'ol thing. I painted it white, but tried to make it look like birch. (-my new favorite thing. ) I can't say it worked out too incredibly well, but I thought it didn't look too bad.

 -See what I mean? I didn't want the whole thing painted white, so I just roughly ran over the branches, in a "non-caring" sort of way.

 I got the most "blehh" photos of it, though. First, I would not put it in that basket thing. I would put it in a vase or something, that would be leaned against the wall to make it stand out a bit better. And second, I should not have taken a photo of it with a sheet behind. Tacky.
 I don't know if this was even a very good idea. I ""tried" to make a nest to go in the branches with little "eggs" that were supposed to be each one of us kiddos, then there would be two birds in the branches who are supposed to stand for our parents. Sort of like a family nest idea. Personally, I don't think it turned out very well. First, I only had a humming bird. And one at that. Second, the "eggs" look nothing like- eggs. You know what I mean? Please give me some suggestions on this.

Well...a fail, or an "okay?" I still don't know. It "might" look better where it is actually supposed to be....?
Tell me your thoughts, or ideas. I really don't want this branch to go to waste, and so I'd like to figure something else to do with it!
Thanks for reading,

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