Saturday, March 13, 2010

The very first BB hunting adventure of the year!!


"I AM VICTORIOUS!!!!!!" shouted the mighty viking battle chief. :p
Marcus tried to look 'cool' with his new gun. :) *chuckle* ...Boys.
Every year, and all year, all of us Koch kids along with Papa, hunt on our property, mostly for slugs, or frogs, or little things like that. We also have shooting contests. One is standing far back and shooting the perfect middle of a stinging nettle, another one is throwing a small leaf off one side of the bridge and try to be the first one to shoot it in half as it is being carried down the stream. It is very good practice for aiming. :) All of us Koch kids love our guns!!! <3

1 comment:

~Christina said...

Looks like a great time to me! :) I remember being SO thrilled to get my BB Gun for Christmas when I was 11, I wanted it SO badly. :) I spent hours outside with it every weekend. Keep on shooting, I'm sure you must all be having a great time in this nice Spring weather!
