Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If you could....

If you could go to any place in the whole world, where would you go? Why? I think I would want to go to go to South Padre Island in Texas again. Last time we went, I had such a fun time, boogie boarding, swimming, and enjoying the 'humidity.' It is nothing really fancy, nothing really expensive, it is just what I like. :) Either that,  Sweden, Norway, or Ireland. Sweden and Norway, I come from, and Ireland because all of the books I read make it sound so cool. :) So, that's me, how about you?


HeidiGrace said...

South Carolina and Europe. :)

AndraLea Rose said...

I would love to go to Italy/Paris/Greece for the history aspect of the architecture etc..., but if I had to choose between that and Ireland/Scotland I would choose the latter. My family origin is Scottish, and the scenery (like you said) that I have seen in pictures/books is amazing!! Fun question, Jess. <3

Benjamin Berkompas said...

Antarctica. No joke. But I'm sure I'm in the minority here...

Hannah Woltersdorf said...

I agree with Benjamin, there is so much wildlife there plus all the glaciers are just awesome even in movies, I cant imagine how much more beautiful they would be in real life! But there are so many other places that I would love to go it's not even funny I can't name them all, I hope my husband has to travel allot for work. I have lived in the same place practically my whole life and I think I would like moving allot seeing new places, meeting new people. but if I had to pick (other than antarctica) I would definitely visit Italy, Africa, and Austria.