Sunday, October 3, 2010

-My Farmer Boy-

Practicing how to dip his cowboy me. :o)

Aghhhh, this is the life of a pure, simple country boy. Straw in mouth, dirt covered hands, and a good 'ol cowboy hat. It sure can't get any better than this.  
*smile* He is soooo cute!

After a pose, I would start to tell him what to do next, then the sweet little boy picked his sissy some flowers. *melting heart* He is the sweetest little blue eyed little boy I know!!!


You can tell he was not that interested in what I was telling him to do, at the moment. :)

-My Farmer Boy-

*chuckle* I told him to peek his head out, and he thought I meant the above. :/ Well, it's cute anyhow. :oD

J.Q's version of, "tipping his cowboy hat."

Got to love his pot belly.

"Rrrrrrr! I am going to get you "sessa!!!"

Don't ask me what he was doing here...


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