Monday, February 8, 2010

Perfect cooks = perfect cookies

Silly Levi with 2 Walnuts in his cheeks! ;-)
Something new that my Grandpa Koch taught us...try cuties frozen! Great for summer!
Now here is a story! Our family, for years has tried to find the perfect recipe for Molasses cookies, when they are crunchy and chewy at the same time...Today I found it! Perfect, AND loved by every member in the house! I feel good about myself today! I finally found out how to make my Dad's favorite cookie! Enjoy!
Pouring in the sugar~
Pouring in the Molasses....Oh, Molasses, could you taste any better?
Dropping in the egg, Kind of hard to do when one hand is holding the camera while the other one is cracking the egg.
Mix all that together...
Cool pic hu? This is the flour.
My little helpers for the recipe. ;-p
whoops! Almost forgot this little guy! Sorry little fella!
Mixing the ingredients in our BOSCH mixer.
Rolling the dough into a Walnut size and placing it in a Dinosaur plate, to roll around in the sugar.
"Looking great dough!"

Golden brown loveliness!
Pile of cavity's...I know. But to us, it is well worth it! ;-)
Me, being a little farmer girl. (notice I am inside!)
I am having a lot of fun with my new camera. And I am sure that you are too, because you are getting better pictures on my blog. Today I had fun with ketchup and mustard. Enjoy! ;-)

Yep, as you might of guessed, I LOVE to cook! Well, got to go make some homemade chicken strips with some backed beans, bread, pea's, and such for dinner. Pictures should be coming up! ;-)

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