Saturday, May 15, 2010

For your perfect enjoyment....

Well, after chores in the morning, then wood cutting in the afternoon, we were all pretty hot. So Papa, being so sweet  and kind to his little kiddos, said that we could either go to the river (which would be freezing) and completely submerge, or....we could just walk across the MIDDLE of the our clothes of course. All of the other kids wanted to go to the river, but I, on the other hand, thought it would be better to just go down to the pond and get it over with then and there! Papa, thank the LORD, gave the decision to me, whither it be the river or pond. I chose the pond, much to the disappointment of my fellow comrade's. *smile*
But, I said this on one condition....that Papa would go in too!!! He, being the man that he is, agreed.

When we all got down there, I, being the bravest, *lol* went first. (papa said that he would, but I'd rather just get in there and GET IT DONE!!!)
So, sit back, have a glass of milk and a couple of cookies as you enjoy these pictures....

Getting in...ohh, just a LITTLE on the cold side. *grin*

making it across the FAST as I can.

And...*drum roll* Da da! I made it! I did not die, I did not faint...I'm ALIVE! Can you believe it!?!?!?! *lol*
FYI- not meaning to gross you all out, but there was a foot of mud at the bottom! Yuck!

Next up....Caitlin!

She was going too fast across the pond, that Papa could not get a picture of her in the middle, so......he made her go back in the middle, just so he could take her picture. *smile* If it were not for Papa, I am not sure how many stories I would be able to tell my children! :)

And yes, she did not die either. :)

Marcus...had it harder. :) Being as short as he is right now, the water went higher on him then it did on Caitlin and I. Sorry Marcus, you have just got to man up!

Swimming across...
...then safely landing on land. :)

Now, the moment you have all been waiting for.....PAPA'S TURN!

Getting in the water...Notice that he still has his boots on! *lol*

Making his way,

And, he walks to the other side, VICTORIOUS!! *cheer*

*chuckle* I hope you all have enjoyed these pictures! Tell me what you thought!

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