Saturday, May 1, 2010

Kids love lunch

Little J.Q. never stops making me laugh!
I love his cute little look. :)
100% boys! And Jacob is such a poser! Levi just ate his lunch and did not care if I was taking a picture, but J.Q. on the other hand, did this wierd pose for the camera. :) Too cute! <3 (P.S. we do not normaly put 'pink' bibs on our boys...just to make that clear. :)
Now, what do you mom's, (or older sisters) think that this here boy is doing? knowing that you have had the experiance with kids, you will most likely think he is licking the jelly off of the counter. :) And you would be CORRECT! I guess the jelly in the sandwitch was not as good as the jelly on the counter. *lol*
Just one of the joys of life...watching your siblings eat thier lunch! *smile*

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