Saturday, May 8, 2010

oLd fAmiLY pHotOs : PaRT tWo

Caitlin, checking out the star fish.
Notice my little pinkie stinking out there. *smile* I was such a little princess. :)
It was either Caitlin or Papa who stuck this little fella on Felicity's braids. :) Cute picture though.
Caitlin, always adventurous!
Well, SOMETIMES I followed along. :) It is nice to do something 'out-of-the-ordinary.' *grin*
Awful pic of me, but a great one of all of the other kids. :)
Such a sweet photo! <3 (I don't know about you, but Caitlin looks awful different!!!)
One year for my birthday, we had a WHOLE bunch of people over and had a banana marathon and BBQ. As you can see, Caitlin is eating the banana. (poor girl!)

Okay Maria.....( and Josh) you are not the only ones who got your, "pig face pudding" picture. I did too, as you can see in the background. *lol* However, I did win, so it all payed off in the end! :p
Awwww. Too cute! We had just had Alainna, and I remember thinking, "Wow! We sure do have a ginormous family!" (P.S. "ginormous has always been, "my word," even when I was little. *smile* cute I know. :)
And to top off this post, I end with one of my favorite Christmas photos. I guess it is just the color in this one that I like. Oh! And the background. It all looks so beautiful.

These are pretty much all of the old family photos that we have in computers.....unfortunately. But I hope you enjoyed them, and enjoyed seeing how the LORD has worked through our lives.
GOD bless you!

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